Client Listening


Amplify Your Agency With The Power Of Client Insight

Using an experienced and impartial expert to run your client listening programme is the most powerful way to transform your agency.

You’ll gain a profound and deep understanding of your clients’ needs, preferences, and pain points. You’ll cultivate stronger client relationships and improved client satisfaction, resulting in increased client loyalty and continued client commitment. And you’ll gain incomparable insight into your own agency’s capabilities, empowering you to refine your strategies, improve your decision making, and ultimately drive your agency to continued success.

Using an experienced and impartial expert to run your client listening programme is the most powerful way to transform your agency.

You’ll gain a profound and deep understanding of your clients’ needs, preferences, and pain points.

You’ll cultivate stronger client relationships and improved client satisfaction, resulting in increased client loyalty and continued client commitment.

And you’ll gain incomparable insight into your own agency’s capabilities, empowering you to refine your strategies, improve your decision making, and ultimately drive your agency to continued success.

Agency performance
Gain unbiased client opinion
on agency teams, process,
individuals, and culture.

Client satisfaction
Increase client satisfaction
by listening to feedback and
adjusting service levels.

Organic growth
Proactively identify growth
opportunities across the
existing client-base.

Client retention
Foster trust and loyalty
by committing to a culture
of client feedback.

New business
Use client insight to inform
agency proposition and
go-to-market plan.

Risk mitigation
Identify blind spots and
relationship troubles before
they impact revenue.

Competitive advantage
Gain an advantage by
staying connected to your
clients evolving preferences.

Agency solutions
Generate fresh agency ideas
by better understanding
client preferences.

Client pressures
Get closer to clients by
gaining an insight into their
own complex ecosystems.

Key Client Listening Benefits

Key Client Listening Benefits

Agency performance
Gain unbiased client opinion
on agency teams, process,
individuals, and culture.

Client satisfaction
Increase client satisfaction
by listening to feedback and
adjusting service levels.

Organic growth
Proactively identify growth
opportunities across the
existing client-base.

Client retention
Foster trust and loyalty
by committing to a culture
of client feedback.

New business
Use client insight to inform
agency proposition and
go-to-market plan.

Risk mitigation
Identify blind spots and
relationship troubles before
they impact revenue.

Competitive advantage
Gain an advantage by
staying connected to your
clients evolving preferences.

Agency solutions
Generate fresh agency ideas
by better understanding
client preferences.

Client pressures
Get closer to clients by
gaining an insight into their
own complex ecosystems.

Agency performance
Gain unbiased client opinion
on agency teams, process,
individuals, and culture.

Client satisfaction
Increase client satisfaction
by listening to feedback and
adjusting service levels.

Organic growth
Proactively identify growth
opportunities across the
existing client-base.

Client retention
Foster trust and loyalty
by committing to a culture
of client feedback.

New business
Use client insight to inform
agency proposition and
go-to-market plan.

Risk mitigation
Identify blind spots and
relationship troubles before
they impact revenue.

Competitive advantage
Gain an advantage by
staying connected to your
clients evolving preferences.

Agency solutions
Generate fresh agency ideas
by better understanding
client preferences.

Client pressures
Get closer to clients by
gaining an insight into their
own complex ecosystems.

Agency performance
Gain unbiased client opinion
on agency teams, process,
individuals, and culture.

Client satisfaction
Increase client satisfaction
by listening to feedback and
adjusting service levels.

Client satisfaction:

Gain client confidence

by addressing their needs

Organic growth:

Proactively identify upsell

and cross-sell opportunities

Mitigate risk:

Early warning system to identify

blind spots and troubles

New business:

Use client insight to inform

proposition and GTM plan

Competitive advantage:

Feedback loop for

evolving client preferences

Client pressures:

Gain insight into client’s

own complex ecosystem

Agency innovation:

Inform new agency

capabilities with client insight

Client insight: 360 degree view of agency process and capabilities

Stronger relationships: Gain confidence by addressing client needs

Client retention: Build trust through acommitment to client feedback

Mitigate risk: Early warning system to identify blind spots
Organic growth: Proactively identify upand cross-sell opportunities
Data-driven decisions: Inform agency strategy with client insight
Competitive advantage: Feedback loop to evolving client preferences
Client pressures: Gain insight into client ecosystems and challenges

New business: Use client insight to
shape agency proposition

Example Insights from Recent Client Listening Programmes

A procurement director communicated they were restricting agency spend due to a lack of commercial transparency.
An agency CEO was invited to meet with the client COO to explore additional opportunities to work together.
A client invited the agency into a new type of commercial conversation that allowed them to lock out other agencies.
An agency was asked to fill the void in a senior client’s marketing strategy team after they communicated a lack of internal resource.
A significant relationship issue was uncovered in an agency’s key account leading to the agency missing out on key briefs.
A brief worth over £100k was openly offered to the agency after a client mistakenly believed they did not have the internal capability.
A new agency capability was developed and launched after receiving positive feedback from clients in testing.
A creative director was replaced on an account after several clients voiced concerns over their ability to lead the team.
A procurement director communicated they were restricting agency spend due to a lack of commercial transparency.
An agency CEO was invited to meet with the client COO to explore additional opportunities to work together.
A client invited the agency into a new type of commercial conversation that allowed them to lock out other agencies.
An agency was asked to fill the void in a senior client’s marketing strategy team after they communicated a lack of internal resource.
A significant relationship issue was uncovered in an agency’s key account leading to the agency missing out on key briefs.
A brief worth over £100k was openly offered to the agency after a client mistakenly believed they did not have the internal capability.
A new agency capability was developed and launched after receiving positive feedback from clients in testing.
A creative director was replaced on an account after several clients voiced concerns over their ability to lead the team.


Each client listening process is bespoke to an individual agency and tailored to their precise needs. No copy and paste discussion guides. No copy and paste client questionnaires. All feedback, recommendations, and action plans are specific to the agency and therefore actionable and effective.


30x minute structured interviews – Senior & day-to-day clients

5x minute bespoke quant/qual survey – All other clients


Full and detailed Client Listening Evaluation Report

Agency Action Plan including key recommendations


Senior & day-to-day clients – structured 30x minute interviews

All other clients – bespoke 5x minute quant/qual survey


Full and detailed Client Listening Report

Agency Action Plan including key recommendations

Example Client Listening Report Slides